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IEEE/ICCA'25 is open to all individuals, organizations, universities and research centers. All participants should register in the conference to attend in the scientific sessions of the conference. The registration can be done either online or on site (for attendees only and not authors). Authors of accepted papers should register online through PayPal using any bank cards (i.e., Visa, Mastercard, American Express) or a PayPal account. The registration covers only one paper for the same presenting author with two lunches and coffee breaks during the period of the conference. Students are highly encouraged to attend the sessions and learn from top-tier scholars attending the conference.
The International Conference on Computer and Applications IEEE/ICCA'25 (SEVEN EDITION, AOU) is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information, communications and multimedia. It is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss the recent trends in computer applications. It opens a new horizon for research collaboration locally and internationally. The three-day conference will consist of oral and poster presentations with plenary sessions. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers applying the single blind process. Accepted papers will be published as a collective work in an electronic format and will be submitted for indexing (, SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, DBLP). The proceedings of ICCA'17 ICCA'18 ICCA'22, ICCA'23 and (ICCA'24-VERY SOON) were published in the SCOPUS, DBLP. ICCA’25 is a good opportunity for participants to meet with leading researchers working on cutting edge engineering research projects. The conference represents an exceptional opportunity to find potential collaborators and introduces your University and institutions in front of key academic leaders and top-tier scholars.
ALL IEEE/ICCA PROCEEDINGS WERE INDEXED IN SCOPUS. sells the proceedings to all institutions and universities,
Papers submission is done through EDAS management system Authors should engage that they will not submit their paper(s) to other conferences or journals before the final notification of IEEE/ICCA chairs. The work is considered to be original and belong to the authors with all contents (text, photos, images, figures, tables, etc.)..All papers will be checked automatically for plagiarism. IEEE policy requires all submissions to its conference proceedings to be screened through a plagiarism detection process. Authors must submit original work that:
• has not appeared elsewhere for publication
• is not under review for another refereed publication
• cites previous work
• indicates how it differs from the previously published work
Authors must inform us when submitting any previously published work. Please contact Eng. Dana Bandock. It is common in technical publishing for material to be presented at various stages of its evolution. We recognize the importance of this evolutionary publication process as a significant means of scientific communication and fully supports this publishing standard. At the same time we require that this evolutionary process be fully referenced. We define plagiarism as “the use of someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source.” We separate plagiarism into five levels: Level One: 50-100% copied Level Two: 20-50% copied Level Three: < 20%. We define plagiarism as “the use of someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source.”.
In case the authors' misused content was a simple mistake, and the manuscript has merit, then we will inform the authors of the reported similarity and have them revise the paper accordingly and resubmit it.
The registration fee covers one paper publication, two lunches and coffee breaks during the conference period. All accepted papers should be registered by SEVEN WORKING DAYS after the acceptance notification in order to be considered in the proceedings and benefits from the early bird discount. No reimbursement will be made after the author's registration and payment. At least one author should register and present the paper. You can register online using any debit/credit card through PayPal secured platform. You don't need to have an account in PayPal to proceed. For more information please contact: Eng. Dana Bandock
To benefit from the early bird discount, you should register your paper within SEVEN WORKING DAYS after acceptance notification (REGISTRATION HERE).
You can use the A4 template to prepare your paper for submission. All submission should be done through EDAS. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by THREE REVIEWERS from the TPC committee members.
International Authors: $400 (Early Bird) - $450 (otherwise)
*Early Bird: SEVEN (7) DAYS after acceptance notification
Author: $400 (*early bird) $450 Otherwise
Attendee/Participant ONSITE (without paper):$125
Attendee/Participant ONLINE: $50
Second Paper for the SAME AUTHOR(S): $150
Additional Paper for the SAME AUTHOR(S): $225
Max Paper Length : SIX PAGES. $20 per extra page.
*early bird = by SEVEN DAYS after the acceptance notification
NON REGISTERED PAPER AFTER ONE MONTH OF THE ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION WILL BE WITHDRAWN FROM EDAS. If you have difficulties to register your paper, please contact Eng. Dana Bandock,
IIEEE/CCA proceedings are Indexed in DBLP: Computer Science Bibliography
ALL IEEE/ICCA Proceedings can be purchased from PROCEEDINGS.COM
BEST STUDIES from ICCA 2017 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - DBLP
• Use the MS Word or LaTeX templates. appropriately. If necessary, contact Dana Bandock at .
• Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
Creating your PDF eXpress Account Log in to the PDF eXpress TM site
First-time users should do the following:
1. Select the New Users
2. Enter the following:
Conference ID (#66035X).
• Your email address
• A password
3. Continue to enter information as prompted.
An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
Zammeri Abd Rahman, Ammar Abdul-Hamed,
Hamed Abdul-Qawy, Mahmood Z. Abdullah,
Samir Abou El-Seoud, Antar Shaddad,
Qasem Abu Al-Haija, Hamza Abubakar,
Ehab Juma Adwan, Nadeem Ahmed
Tameem Ahmad, Hani Hazza ALi Ahmed,
Tasneem Ahmed, Ali Othman Al Janaby, Hussein Al-bayaty, Mousa Al-kfairy, Al-Khowarizmi Al-Khowarizmi, Iman Al-Kindi, Intisar Al-Mejibli Saleh M. Alhazbi, Jawad K. Ali, Maher Talal Alasaady, Mohammed Ibrahim Alghamdi, Vassilis Alimisis, Jihad Mohamad AlJaam, Yahia Alkhoudary, Sabah M Alturfi, Fahad Alturise, Siddeeq Yousif Ameen, Abdelkader Khobzaoui,
Manilal Amipara, Gerald P. Arada, Wei-Chiang Hong, Md. Arifuzzaman, Shazad Ashraf, Anil Bas, Hany A. Bastawrous, Maamar Bougherara, Salabat Khan,
Yuen Onn Choong, Udhaya Kumar Dayalan, Samy Ghoniemy, Seng Hansun, Shanmugasundaram Hariharan, Hanny Haryanto, Fadheela Hussain, Duy C. Huynh, Ngoc Tho Huynh, Thiang, Hwang Liong Hoat, Hamidah Ibrahim, Galina Ilieva, Martins E. Irhebhude, Houari Horkous, Irvanizam Irvanizam,Brijesh Iyer, Adwaita Janardhan Jadhav, Chutisant Kerdvibulvech, Ameenulla Jahabar Ali, Mayur Dilip Jakhet, Sameeh Abdulghafour Jassim, Sandy Kosasi, Isabel, Jesus, Mahdi Karami, Abdallah Kassem, Amine Khaldi, Saiqa Khan
Michaelraj Kingston Roberts, Alexander Kocian, Yury Kosolapov, R Krishnamoorthy, Maneesh Kumar, Raafat Lababidi, Sekhri Larbi, Xinghua Li, Wesam Khairy Morsi, Tristan Lim, Renata Spolon Lobato,
Arif Ridho Lubis, Jabbar MA, Renato R. Maaliw, Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, Anand Nayyar, Iosif Vasile Nemoianu, Paolo Nenzi, Ruzelita Ngadiran,
Smita Nirkhi, Nurdin Nurdin, Nitish Ojha, Tianzhu Qia,
Ali Rafiei, Jezia Zakroui, Fanhui Zeng
Thiago R. Oliveira, Rajkumar Palaniappan, Rosaura Palma-Orozco, Haijun Pan, Jitendra Pandey, Kamlesh Kumar Pandey, Maitri B. Patel, Rajan Patel, Abhilash Pati, Taraknath Paul, Aruna Pavate, Hugo Peixoto,
Vincenzo Piuri, Yogesh Yashwant Pundlik,
Qasim Yahya Rahawi, Grienggrai Rajchakit,
Muhammad Sajjadur Rahi, Harikumar Rajaguru,
Sumit Kumar Rana, Archana Ratnaparkhi
Majdi Rawashdeh, Niraja P. Rayen S, Abdalhossein Rezai, Khair Eddi, Sabri, Muthukumaran Vaithianathan
Riad Sahara, Yatendra Sahu, Ashish Saini,
Ahmed S. Salama, Ahmed Sami Nori,
Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Hussain Saleem,
Andrews Samraj, Leo Santoso, Muhammad Saqib Javed, Salem Omar Sati, Vaibhav Dudhaji, Saundarmal, Ahmed Shuhaiber, Souhila Silmi, Doru Ursutiu, Mudasser F. Wyne
10:00am - 11:30am
Keynote-1: Prof. - USA - Keynote-2: - USA
Coffee Break & Networking
10:00am - 11:30am
12:00pm - 13:30pm
12:00pm - 13:30pm
12:00pm - 13:30pm
12:00pm - 13:30pm
You can register your paper by clicking on the PayPal button above and enter the adequate amount in USD and follow up the steps.
For more information, send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Arab Open University - KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN
Contact: contact:, WhatsUP: +961 81210167
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All previous IEEE/ICCA (IEEE/ICCA'17, IEEE/ICCA'18, IEEE/ICCA'22 and IEEE/ICCA'23, (IEEE/ICCA'24 (VERY SOON)) were published in IEEE and indexed in SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE and DBLP.
YES. We will provide every participant with a certificate of attendance during or after the conference (i.e., digital certificate).
YES. Please contact Eng. Dana Bandock and we will give the steps.
NO. All accepted papers should be registered by seven days afterthe accptance notification to benefit from the early bird discount.
We can propose some hotels to book in but we cannot offer FREE accommodations.
We give all participants a soft PDF copy of the proceedings. The final proceedings will be submitted to IEEE after the conference for consideration. The publication requires 8 weeks after the end of the conference.
Normally the allocated time for the presentation is 15 minutes including questions and answers.
You can contact Eng. Dana Bandock at any time by email at:,
YES. Any person attending the conference should register and pay the corresponding fee.
All accepted and registered papers should be presented. If you cannot present your paper you should send us your PowerPoint and upload it in EDAS. You should delegate the presentation to one of your co-authors to make it.
Please contact us and we will find a solution for your registration and payment.
IEEE/ICCA is a hybrid conference. Therefore, you can present your paper either ONSITE or ONLINE through MS TEAMS or ZOOM.
The proceedings with be given to the participants as a soft copy in PDF. They will be submitted later to IEEE for potential publication and indexing. Not that IEEE/ICCA'17, IEEE/ICCA'18, IEEE/ICCA'22 and IEEE/ICCA'23 and IEEE/ICCA'24 (VERY SOON) were published by IEEE in their eXplore platform. As for IEEE/ICCA'19, IEE/ICCA'20 and IEEE/ICCA'21, we didn't organize the conference due to COVID'19 pandemic.
We can issue an invitation letter that you can present to the Embassy in your country of residence. Normally they accept it and issue your Visa to enter the country.
We will send the proceedings to all IEEE/ICCA authors as a protected PDF file. Copyright will be given to IEEE to sell the proceedings after the conference (
Yes. All registered authors can ask for an invitation letter and we will issue it and send it to you by email in PDF.
You can contact Eng. Dana Bandock for all inquiries at
YES. It is your paper and you can do anything with it up to the final submission (CAMERA-READY)
NO. You can use any template to prepare your presentation.
We will do our utmost to compensate the authors of the best paper presented at the conference. It depends on the funds collected for the conference.
NO. We are determined to make the conference on time on the specific dates.
YES. You can. It is a MUST to present the paper.
NO. You can withdraw your paper but WE CANNOT REIMBURE YOU.
NO. Please if you don't have any financial support, don't submit your paper to the conference. Every paper submitted will generate charges on us. We cannot waive the registration fee.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
You can use any credit or debit card. We use PayPal platform with all the security aspects and rights protection. You can ensure that all your information are encrypted and not shown to us AT ALL. We receive only your payment with your name.
YES. IEEE/ICCA'17, IEEE/ICCA'18 and IEEE/ICCA'22 and IEEE/ICCA'23 and IEEE/ICCA'24 (VERY SOON) proceedings were published in IEEE Digital Library and indexed in SCOPUS and DBLP.
Currently NO. But we can try to help young researchers to attend the conference.
All previous IEEE/ICCA proceedings were published in IEEE Digital Library and indexed in in best databases. Once the conference is ended we collect the accepted papers, check their formatting and submit to IEEE for publication.
Please use this IEEE template but remove the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX from the first page of your paper.
YES. The country is open and extremly safe.
We will inform the authors and participants few days before the conference.
We can provide the list of hotels in the country for different rates. Please consult the website for details before the conference dates.